That's me on the left and there's Vans beside me |
Ohmygah, best days of my life. Sure, I've had to pack all my things into my li'l Honda and sweep pounds of sand off my floor, yada yada but seriously! Amazing days!! The past 3 days I have been
thoroughly enjoying myself because I've had no agenda and have had such a clear head and ample patience.
Oh? 36 New York Times sunday editions got under my bed? No worries..I'll dust off the bunnies and read bits of them before I toss them all in bags to be recycled.
Oh? A flustered grandmother pulling over onto the shoulder of The Loop needs directions to Shell Island Resort and I happen to be the running by? Of course I can stop and chat! That was on my second-to-last Loop run, and I also saw an egret fishing and a blue heron flew right over my head.
So I was thinking about it and I must have run around its scenic 2.5 mile path (crosses Banks Channel twice! and encompasses a tidal marsh) upwards of 350 times in the last year and a half. I'm gonna miss it terribly. My last Loop run this a.m. was the best ever. I could see stormy clouds in the west as I set out at 7:45 for 2 loops. A drizzle turned into a downpour and once I had done one loop and was passing my street, I stripped off my tanktop and continued on cause I was having a great time. The lightning and thunder were slightly worrisome, and only one fellow comrade was still running clockwise (I run counterclockwise) and we both had big grins on our faces when we saw that each other was still at it. The rain amplified the salty sulfurous marsh odor, making it intoxicating; I loved it.
Sunrise garden sandwich in Stephen's dextreous hands |
I had to say goodbye to lovely Vanessa (who is headed off for a big Greenpeace internship in DC this summer!) yesterday morning. She wasn't feelin so hot (even though of course she was lookin cute as ever) so the only photo I have of us is our bikes, but that's so totally Us. Then I met up with Stephen at Sweet & Savory for a bomb-diggity breakfast. Stephen had talked about a particular S&S sandwich on numerous occasions so of course I knew I would be getting that too. 2 sunrise garden's and 2 more hot sauce packets please. Coffee black. MmmmHmmm We are pretty much twin eaters except that Stephen eats approximately 3 dozen more eggs than I do a month. I suppose that I fill that void with my favourite breakfast, milk and cereal (bran flakes, raw wheat germ, ground flaxseed & moist raisins). My first reads from the western wake library (at home in Cary) are going to be Haruki Murakami, whose work Stephen hiiiiighly recommends.
All of my worldly possessions are tucked away into my car except for my cap & gown, my dress, my sheets & comforter, my pillows, my technology, and a few vegetables and drinks in the fridge. My room and bathroom are clean and I'm just all set! I'm so happy it is not much trouble to move when you choose to live simplistically (and fortunately get to move into places that are furnished!).
I am not very patient in waiting for my last grade! My F5 key is about to go on strike. I have all of them except environmental studies seminar. I'm totally stoked about them so far.
Physical Oceanography....B+
Adv. Nat. Resource Mgmt....A-
World Music & Dance....A
Physics....C+ !!!!! :D
I'm going to bike around the island one last time now..then a graduation party on the south end of the island hosted by the Hurley-Travis' (who I babysat for) at their gorgeous little house on the Channel. My closest friends, my parents, dear siblings, aunt Lucy, and vegan cake will be there! I'm so jazzed for my family to meet my friends and to be able to have a last Hurrah and photo opps with everyone I have grown close to and have to part with for now. It will be poignantly bittersweet for me, I know too well. :/